
1 & 2 Corinthians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul's letter to the CORINTHIANS speaks to the concerns of today's headlines. Sexual escapades among church leaders, lawsuits among disgruntled church members, and unethical fiscal practices in Christian institutions seem to parade across our television screens. Instead of standing apart from the world, the church has often mirrored its secular surroundings. What would God say to churches and...

allowed to confront or question men publicly. Apparently, some of the women who had become Christians thought that their Christian freedom gave them the right to question the men in public worship. This was causing division in the church. In addition, women of that day did not receive formal religious education as did the men. The Greek word for “silent” used here is also used in 14:28, referring to the silence commanded on the one who desired to speak in tongues but without an interpreter present.
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